Jandrette Rhoe, MD
Physician in Columbia, SC

Specialties:Family Medicine, Primary Care
Rating 4.7
(485 Reviews)NPI #1972691889
Jandrette Atayae Rhoe, MD
Dr. Jandrette A. Rhoe is a Family Medicine provider practicing with MUSC Health Primary Care Clemson Rd. in Columbia, SC. She received her medical degree from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in East Lansing, Michigan, and completed her residency at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. She completed a fellowship in integrative medicine at the University of Arizona under the leadership of Dr. Andrew Weil.
Dr. Rhoe is board-certified in Family Medicine and specializes in Chronic disease management, Hypertension, Integrative Medicine, Thyroid Disorders, and Diabetes. She likes to travel, play the violin, and read during her free time.
- Residency at Carolina Medical Center
- Internship at Carolinas Medical Center
- Medical School at Michigan State University
Insurances Accepted
- Absolute Total Care (NEIC)
- Absolute Total Care Healthy Connections Prime Dual Medicare/Medicaid Plan
- Aetna (Exclusive Choice)
- Aetna (Managed Choice)
- Aetna (Open Choice)
- Aetna (Preferred Provider Organization)
- Aetna Medicare
- AllWell by Absolute Total Care
- Ambetter from Absolute Total Care (Marketplace)
- BCBS Blue Essentials (Marketplace)
- Blue Choice Blue Option (Marketplace)
- Blue Choice Medicaid
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Choice HealthCare (Group Health Plan)
Insurance plans vary by individual. Please contact your insurance provider to check your coverage.
Insurance plans vary by individual. Please contact your insurance provider to check your coverage.
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