Sharlene D Wedin, PsyD
Psychologist in Charleston, SC

NPI #1801904768
Sharlene D. Wedin, PsyD
Dr. Sharlene Wedin is board certified in clinical psychology. She received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Pacific University and completed her predoctoral internship at Walter Reed Army Medical Center with primary rotations in behavioral medicine and outpatient psychology. Dr. Wedin completed an MA in counseling psychology at the University of Denver and a BA with honors in scientific/experimental psychology from Alfred University. Dr. Wedin previously was Army officer and faculty at Eisenhower Army Medical Center. She is currently an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, division of bio-behavioral medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina.
Insurances Accepted
- Absolute Total Care (NEIC)
- Absolute Total Care Healthy Connections Prime Dual Medicare/Medicaid Plan
- Aetna (Exclusive Choice)
- Aetna (Managed Choice)
- Aetna (Open Choice)
- Aetna (Preferred Provider Organization)
- Aetna Medicare
- AllWell by Absolute Total Care
- Ambetter from Absolute Total Care (Marketplace)
- BCBS Blue Essentials (Marketplace)
- Blue Choice Blue Option (Marketplace)
- Blue Choice Medicaid
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Choice HealthCare (Group Health Plan)
Insurance plans vary by individual. Please contact your insurance provider to check your coverage.
Insurance plans vary by individual. Please contact your insurance provider to check your coverage.
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