Jessica Etten, AGNP-BC
Adult Nurse Practitioner in Charleston, SC

NPI #1104317957
Jessica Lynn Etten, AGNP-BC
Graduated from Regis College Nursing School in 2019 as an Adult Geriatric Nurse Practitioner. Worked at PACE clinic in Beverly, MA for 5 years. Moved to Charleston and started working for Family Medicine at Peninsula. Work 2 days at Family Medicine clinic and other 2 days at Continuing Care Retirement Communities. Accepting new patients and have a passion to work with Geriatrics.
Board Certifications: American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Adult/Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Areas of Interest
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Family Medicine
- Women's Health
- Heart Disease
- Well Visits
- Acute Visits
- Geriatric Medicine
- Chronic Kidney disease
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Depression
Insurances Accepted
- Absolute Total Care (NEIC)
- Absolute Total Care Healthy Connections Prime Dual Medicare/Medicaid Plan
- Aetna (Exclusive Choice)
- Aetna (Managed Choice)
- Aetna (Open Choice)
- Aetna (Preferred Provider Organization)
- Aetna Medicare
- AllWell by Absolute Total Care
- Ambetter from Absolute Total Care (Marketplace)
- BCBS Blue Essentials (Marketplace)
- Blue Choice Blue Option (Marketplace)
- Blue Choice Medicaid
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Choice HealthCare (Group Health Plan)
Insurance plans vary by individual. Please contact your insurance provider to check your coverage.
Insurance plans vary by individual. Please contact your insurance provider to check your coverage.
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