Eliza Barnwell, MD

Physician in Charleston, SC
Specialties:Cataract Surgery, Ophthalmology
Rating 4.7
(235 Reviews)
NPI #1568991859

Eliza Longstreet Barnwell, MD

Eliza L. Barnwell is a fellowship-trained comprehensive ophthalmologist specializing in cataract and anterior segment surgery, particularly interested in complex cataract extraction and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery.

Dr. Barnwell is a Charleston native who completed medical school and internship at the Medical University of South Carolina, followed by ophthalmology residency training at Wake Forest University, where she served as chief resident. She went on to complete a fellowship at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, focusing on treating blindness in underserved communities at the local and international levels. She then returned to the Medical University of South Carolina, serving as the Director of the Ocular Trauma Service and completing additional training in the management of glaucoma.

Throughout her training and career, Dr. Barnwell has been dedicated to global ophthalmology and humanitarian aid, collaborating with various institutions and non-profit organizations to combat eye disease. She has worked in Rwanda, Sierra Leone, India, Peru, Ecuador, and Belize. She enjoys teaching medical students and residents here and internationally and has been a course instructor in Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) at numerous ophthalmology meetings.

  • Fellowship at Wills Eye Hospital
  • Residency at Wake Forest University School of Medicine
  • Internship at Medical University of South Carolina Medical Center
  • Medical School at Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine

Insurances Accepted

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