Beverly Steele, MD

Physician in Charleston, SC
NPI #1659931574

Beverly Fonville Steele, MD

Dr. Steele received her Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature in English, French, Italian, and Greek from Wellesley College. She then worked as a youth director in the Episcopal Church and a teacher with Teach For America before attending medical school at Baylor College of Medicine. She completed a residency in general psychiatry, serving as a Chief Resident in her fourth year, and a fellowship in forensic psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). Her current role at MUSC is performing acute psychiatric assessments in the emergency department and seeing cadets for outpatient psychiatric care and crisis appointments as medical director of the Citadel Counseling Center.

Board Certifications: Psychiatry

Insurances Accepted

Insurance plans vary by individual. Please contact your insurance provider to check your coverage.

My Offices

  • Map of 67 President Street in Charleston
    MUSC Health Institute of Psychiatry
    Primary Office
    67 President Street
    Charleston, SC 29425
    Day of the WeekHours
    MondayOpen 24 Hours
    TuesdayOpen 24 Hours
    WednesdayOpen 24 Hours
    ThursdayOpen 24 Hours
    FridayOpen 24 Hours
    SaturdayOpen 24 Hours
    SundayOpen 24 Hours
    Map of 67 President Street in Charleston


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